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  • An increase in wages or salary; a rise (UK).

    "The boss gave me a raise."

  • A shoulder exercise in which the arms are elevated against resistance.

  • A shot in which the delivered stone bumps another stone forward.

  • A bet that increases the previous bet.



  • (physical) To cause to rise; to lift or elevate.

    "to raise your hand if you want to say something; to raise your walking stick to defend yourself"

  • To create, increase or develop.

    "We need to raise the motivation level in the company."

  • To establish contact with (e.g., by telephone or radio).

    "Despite all the call congestion, she was eventually able to raise the police."

  • To respond to a bet by increasing the amount required to continue in the hand.

    "John bet, and Julie raised, requiring John to put in more money."

  • To exponentiate, to involute.

    "Two raised to the fifth power equals 32."

  • (of a verb) To extract (a subject or other verb argument) out of an inner clause.

  • (of a vowel) To produce a vowel with the tongue positioned closer to the roof of the mouth.

  • To increase the nominal value of (a cheque, money order, etc.) by fraudulently changing the writing or printing in which the sum payable is specified.

  • To throw (an exception).

    "A division by zero will raise an exception."

