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  • The breadth, depth or reach of a subject; a domain.

  • A device used in aiming a projectile, through which the person aiming looks at the intended target.

  • Opportunity; broad range; degree of freedom.

  • The region of program source code in which a given identifier is meaningful, or a given object can be accessed.

  • The shortest sub-wff of which a given instance of a logical connective is a part.

  • The region of an utterance to which some modifying element applies.

    "the scope of an adverb"

  • A periscope, telescope, microscope or oscilloscope.

  • Any medical procedure that ends in the suffix -scopy, such as endoscopy, colonoscopy, bronchoscopy, etc.


telescopic sight



  • To perform a cursory investigation of; scope out.

  • To perform any medical procedure that ends in the suffix -scopy, such as endoscopy, colonoscopy, bronchoscopy, etc.

    "The surgeon will scope the football player's knee to repair damage to a ligament."

  • To limit (an object or variable) to a certain region of program source code.

    "If we locally scope the user's login name, it won't be accessible from outside this function."

  • To examine under a microscope.

    "The entomologist explained that he could not tell what species of springtail we were looking at without scoping it."

  • To observe a bird using a spotting scope.