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take down



  • To remove something from a wall or similar vertical surface to which it is fixed.

    "He took down the picture and replaced it with the framed photograph."

  • To remove something from a hanging position.

    "We need to take down the curtains to be cleaned."

  • To remove something from a website.

    "We must take this fake news item down today."

  • To write down as a note, especially to record something spoken.

    "If you have a pen, you can take down my phone number."

  • To remove a temporary structure such as scaffolding.

    "When everything else is packed, we can take down the tent."

  • To lower an item of clothing without removing it.

    "The doctor asked me to take down my trousers."

  • To arrest someone or to place them in detention.

    "We've got enough evidence now to take McFee down."

  • (of a person) To crush; to destroy or kill.

  • To force one’s opponent off their feet in order to transition from striking to grappling in jujitsu, mixed martial arts, etc.

  • To collapse or become incapacitated from illness or fatigue.